Announcing The Remote Work Podcast

Over the past few months we've been publishing content a lot more regularly and we've noticed a fairly steep uptake in interest from our readership. We've listened with the release of our Youtube channel and today The Remote Work Podcast.

Over the past few months we've been publishing content a lot more regularly and we've noticed a fairly steep uptake in interest from our readership. The other thing we've noticed is that not everyone consumes content the same way.

We've asked you and you've answered. Most of you like to consume content through podcasts, many through video, and the rest through longer form blog posts.

A poll on how people want to consume content

We're happy to say we've listened. We released our Remote work Youtube channel and today we're proud to be announcing The Remote Work Podcast. The Remote Work podcast is a short-form podcast where discuss about remote work. From productivity tools to leadership techniques, to general remote and hybrid approaches.

This podcast addresses some of the most common questions you have about remote work as well as interviews people from multiple industries on their approaches to remote and hybrid work. We also discuss with individual to learn about their workflows and the tools they use in their daily remote work.

Our first episode went live yesterday, on how to get a remote job, and the schedule is as follows:

Schedule & Discussions

Here is the list of upcoming episodes. In between you will get to hear from Dónal Kearney and the local impact of the Grow Remote community, and community manager Jephtah Abu.

Upcoming schedule of The Remote Work Podcast

This podcast is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Castro, Castbox and Podfriend

Do you work remotely?

Do you work remotely? Have you been forced or wanted to work remotely in the past year? Do you have experiences, positive and negative about remote working? We'd love to chat.

The format of our conversations is simple. It's a 5-10 minute chat and the structure is:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell me more about your company (if you want to)
  • How does the team work? in an office, remotely, etc.
  • What are your top 3 tools for remote work?
  • Any special "remote workflow" tip you may have acquired over the years?

Click on the little "message"icon at the bottom left of this screen, and let us know, we'll be in touch really quickly!