Introducing AI-Generated Meeting Summaries

Clearword’s new smart summary feature instantly creates a highlight summary of your meeting for you to review, share and keep teams aligned.

Clearword’s new smart summary feature instantly creates a highlight summary of your meeting for you to review, share and keep teams aligned, empowering you and your team to be completely immersed in the conversation rather than the multitasking.

Traditional meetings bring traditional hassle 

It’s no secret that traditional meetings require a lot of unnecessary hassle and distraction that takes away from the important conversations at hand. Especially for the designated note-taker! 

Rather than being engaged in the conversation, you’re stuck trying to balance: 

  • Capturing all of the key details and action items
  • Contributing to the discussion 
  • Organizing all of your meeting notes post-call and manually summarizing them all to share with the rest of your team
  • Holding team members accountable for the action items agreed 
  • Storing and keeping track of it all across multiple tools

Reduce complexity with Clearword’s automated meeting summaries in 2 easy steps

With Clearword, you can eliminate the complexity of traditional meetings by automating your meeting records in one searchable and shareable platform.

Step 1: Invite the Clearword Meeting Assistant to your Google Meet and Zoom calls

Automating your meeting notes with Clearword starts with one simple step: invite the Clearword meeting assistant to your meetings. 

You’re completely in control of which meetings you wish to invite the assistant to. Whenever you want to let us take the reigns on your notes to provide a highlight summary, recording, and full transcription, simply click the toggle on your single meeting page. 

During the meeting, you’ll see the Clearword assistant join as a guest and the discussion topics and other important moments will all be captured for you instead of needing to write them down yourself. 

It’s really that easy! 

PS: Can’t attend a meeting? Invite the Clearword assistant to join in your place and never miss a thing!

Step 2: Voila! We instantly create your highlight summary for you to share 

Once your meeting has finished, you’ll be able to find your smart summary front-and-center in your Clearword meeting page alongside the full meeting recording and transcription.

From here, you can easily continue the conversation with attendees via comments or share the summary and/or full meeting page with anyone who wasn’t invited to or able to attend. 

It’s never been easier to keep attendees, teammates, and stakeholders up-to-speed! 

Try it out for yourself!