Meet Bloom: Double your productivity, instantly.

Meet Bloom. Double your productivity. Instantly.

The Vision Behind Bloom

At Clearword, our journey has always been driven by the aim to reshape work dynamics. Our vision is not just about creating tools, it's about fostering healthier and more productive environments for meetings and work to coexist. Today, we're thrilled to bring this vision to life with "Bloom."

What Sparked Bloom

Over the past half year, we delved into the generative AI market, keen to understand the emerging trends and tools. We discovered that the focus was largely on creating an improved “search engine” for meetings. But we saw an opportunity to step beyond this: to create a product that doesn't just simplify your work, but actually does the work for you.

Bloom: More Than a Meeting Tool

Bloom is the embodiment of our innovative spirit. It extracts the value of your words and what you say in your meetings and harnesses the power of GPT4, transforming your meeting conversations into completed tasks. We've analysed and curated common prompts from meetings, and integrated them into your conversations and workflow tools, making them more efficient.

Meetings are the Work

We've all been there - discussing tasks in meetings, only to later sit down and do the work we just discussed. With Bloom, this redundancy becomes a thing of the past. Bloom takes the notion of meetings and work and merges them into a fluid, efficient process.

How Bloom Enhances Productivity

Clearword is already equipped to create summaries, extract action items, key decisions, blockers, and timelines from conversations. Bloom takes it a step further. Many of the action items from meetings can be started or even completed based on the discussion:

  • Drafting detailed specifications for that new feature
  • Writing follow-up emails to your beta testers
  • Creating JIRA tickets based on your sprint planning
  • Automating routine product update notifications
  • Writing the job description of the new product manager position
  • Prioritizing product backlog based on market research
  • And much more...

Integration and Workflow

Bloom integrates seamlessly with your favourite workflow tools like HubSpot, Atlassian @jira, Notion, and more. Your existing workflows stay untouched, while Bloom takes your conversations and populates those data sources based on your words.

Experience the Transformation

We believe that Bloom brings a new perspective to work, morphing it into a more fluid experience. Ready to see your meetings bloom into action? Be among the first to experience Bloom. Join our waitlist at