Turning conversations into revenue: A guide for digital agencies

Boost your agency's revenue with precise note-taking. Essential for maximizing billable hours. Don't miss out! 📝


In the world of digital agencies, every minute counts (pun intended), especially when those minutes equate to billable hours. Every call, every interaction, every email – they're not just tasks; they're potential revenue. And missing out on crucial details isn't just an oversight; it's a potential loss of income. That's why we're diving deep into the art of note-taking, a skill that can ensure every detail is captured, every billable minute is accounted for, and every client interaction is maximized for client satisfaction and therefore timely and predictable revenue.

Digital agency client interactions are high-stakes

Every call you have with a client, be it for sales, support, discovery, or project management, is essentially a sales call. Why? Because digital agencies operate on billable hours. Every interaction can influence whether you get paid, how much you get paid, and how often you get paid. Here are some challenges agencies face when details slip through the cracks:

  • Lost Revenue: A missed detail can mean a missed opportunity for additional billable hours.
  • Miscommunication: Ambiguities can lead to redoing tasks, delaying deliverables, really wasting billable time.
  • Client Dissatisfaction: Overlooking client specifications can lead to dissatisfaction, especially if you go and build out a project that’s slightly different than what they had in mind… haven’t we all done that? Deliver a project we thought the client would be amazed at, but it turned out to be quite different than what was expected?

The monetary value of your conversations

Think of taking incredibly accurate notes during your client calls and meetings not just as a task, but as a revenue-generating activity. The clearer your notes, the more efficient your billable hours:

  • Maximized Revenue: Clear notes, and meeting context ensure that all billable tasks are identified, shared, understood and executed on… well and also billed appropriately.
  • Enhanced Client Trust: When clients see that you capture and act on every detail, they're more likely to trust you with more work. Simple.
  • Efficiency: Clear notes reduce the need for follow-up meetings, ensuring that billable hours are spent on productive tasks which drive value for your client, and your business.

Not every meeting is the same either, each require a certain level of experience and expertise to really be able to get the most out of the type of conversation. Let’s break them down in how we structure those calls internally at Clearword (And how our AI templates do that for you automatically)

Breaking it down by meeting type

Default External/Internal Meetings

Let’s start at the beginning. It's easy to blur the lines between external and internal meetings. But here's the catch: Treating all meetings the same can lead to overlooked revenue opportunities.

Differentiating between the two ensures every chargeable moment is captured. With Clearword's AI-driven templates, agencies are equipped to structure notes that capture every billable detail, maximizing revenue potential. It's not just about keeping minutes; it's about ensuring every minute counts.

How to take initial call meeting notes

The goal of initial calls is rather simple: Capture first impressions and set the stage to kickstart collaborations.

First impressions matter. Missing out on key details during initial calls can mean missed revenue opportunities.

A structured note-taking approach ensures all potential chargeable points are captured.

Initial Call Template


Provide a concise summary of the call's main points. This should give a quick snapshot of the meeting's purpose, the participants, and the primary topics discussed. Think of this as your elevator pitch for the meeting.


Clearly state the main goal or purpose of the call. Why was this meeting held? What did both parties hope to achieve by the end of the discussion?


List down the main topics or points that were planned for discussion during the call. This helps in providing a structured flow of how the meeting progressed.

Key Discussions

Dive deeper into the main discussions that took place. Highlight any challenges identified, solutions proposed, creative ideas generated, or feedback given. This section should capture the essence of the conversation.

Key Decisions

Document all significant decisions made during the call. This ensures clarity on what was agreed upon and can serve as a reference for future interactions.

Action Items

List down tasks or actions that were assigned during the meeting. Mention who is responsible for each task and, if possible, provide a deadline or expected completion date.

The importance of Discovery Calls

Once you’ve had your initial call, comes the discovery and unearthing of your clients needs and desires. Dive deep into project specifics, target audience, ensuring clarity on goals and deliverables.

Overlooking client needs during discovery can lead to underestimating project scope and, consequently, underbilling.

Detailed notes ensure a comprehensive understanding of client needs, allowing for accurate project estimation and billing.

Discovery Call Template


Summarize the essence of the discovery call in a few sentences. Highlight the main reason for the call and the primary outcomes you're aiming for. This section should give a quick snapshot for anyone revisiting the notes.

Background Information

Detail any relevant information about the client's organization, the project at hand, or any key insights shared during the meeting. This sets the context for the entire project.

Project Objectives

Clearly outline the goals and objectives discussed for the project. These could range from short-term milestones to long-term visions. Ensure you capture both immediate and overarching goals.

Target Audience

Describe the intended audience for the project. Include any specific demographics, behaviors, or preferences discussed. This helps in tailoring the project to meet the audience's needs.

Project Scope

Define the boundaries of the project. What will be included in terms of deliverables, features, or services? Mention any specific timelines discussed.

Key Decisions

Document any pivotal decisions made during the call. This could relate to strategies, technologies, budgets, or timelines. It's crucial to have a clear record of what was agreed upon.

Action Items

List out the next steps or tasks that were decided upon. Mention who's responsible for each and any deadlines or timelines associated with them.

Project Risks

Identify any potential challenges, risks, or issues that were brought up during the call. Also, note down any preliminary solutions or mitigation plans discussed.

Project Dependencies

Highlight any dependencies the project might have. These could be external factors or internal prerequisites that need to be met before certain phases of the project can proceed.

Questions and Clarifications

Note down any questions that came up during the call that couldn't be answered immediately or any points that need further clarification. This ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Reduce underquoting on proposal and agreement calls

Overlooking key details during proposal discussions can lead to underquoting or overcommitting, affecting profitability.

Accurate records ensure that all client requirements are captured, allowing for accurate proposal creation and billing. This is mutually beneficial to you and your clients, it also means you’re likely to get paid on time, for the right work.

Proposal and Agreement Template


Offer a concise recap of the call's main themes. Highlight the primary reason for this session and the central outcomes both parties are aiming to achieve. This should serve as a quick snapshot for the meeting's core points.

Key Decisions

Document all pivotal decisions made during the call. This could relate to strategies, technologies, budgets, or timelines. It's crucial to have a clear record of what was agreed upon and the reasons behind these decisions.

Action Items

Detail the tasks or actions that emerged from the meeting. Specify who's in charge of each task and, if possible, provide an expected completion date or deadline.

Project Risks

Identify any potential challenges, risks, or issues that were brought up during the call. Also, note down any preliminary solutions or mitigation plans discussed.


Summarize the final agreement on the proposal, including details on project scope, cost, timeline, responsibilities, and dependencies. Ensure you capture any specific clauses, conditions, or commitments made by either party.

How to make Planning and Strategy calls fully aligned

The importance of planning and strategy calls can’t be overstated. Every agency knows this, if you strategize effectively, align visions and set clear objectives for the project's journey your client is going to be satisfied and happy to pay.

Missing out on strategic details can lead to misaligned project execution, resulting in additional non-billable hours for corrections.

Planning and Strategy Template


Offer a brief recap of the call's essence. Highlight the primary reason for this planning session and the main outcomes both parties are aiming to achieve. This should serve as a quick reference for the meeting's core points.


Clearly define the primary goal or purpose of this planning and strategy session. What are the overarching aims and visions discussed? This sets the tone for the entire project.


List the main topics or points that were on the agenda for discussion. This provides a structured overview of the meeting's flow and ensures all key areas of planning and strategy are covered.

Action Items

Detail the tasks or actions that emerged from the meeting. Specify who's in charge of each task and, if possible, provide an expected completion date or deadline.

Strategic Discussions

Delve into the main strategic points and planning aspects raised during the call. Capture the essence of these discussions, ensuring you highlight any innovative ideas, challenges identified, or solutions proposed.

Key Decisions

Document all significant decisions and strategies agreed upon during the call. This ensures clarity on the direction the project is taking and serves as a reference for future interactions.

Feedback & Suggestions

If there were any comments, suggestions, or questions from the team members, especially around improving the strategy or planning process, capture them here. This ensures the project remains collaborative and open to improvements.

Show them how it’s made: How project update calls build trust

This is how the sausage is made. Whether it’s design, engineering, marketing, testing, production or any team, inadequate synchronization between teams can lead to rework, consuming hours that might not be billable.

Effective note-taking ensures all teams are aligned, reducing non-billable rework hours and also reduce the number of repeat-meetings you have to attend.

Design / Engineering / Testing Update Template


Provide a succinct recap of the sync call's main themes. Highlight the primary reason for this synchronization session and the central outcomes both teams are aiming to achieve. This should serve as a quick snapshot for the meeting's core points.


Clearly articulate the main goal or purpose of this sync session. What are the overarching aims for the design and engineering teams? This sets the foundation for the entire discussion.


List out the main topics or points that were on the agenda for discussion. This provides a structured overview of the meeting's flow and ensures all key areas of design, engineering, and synchronization are addressed.

Key Discussions

Dive into the primary points raised during the call. Capture these discussions, including any challenges identified, solutions proposed, and improvements suggested. This section should encapsulate the essence of the synchronization between the teams.

Key Decisions

Document all pivotal decisions and agreements made during the call. This ensures clarity on the direction the project is taking from both a design and engineering perspective and serves as a reference for future interactions.

Action Items

Detail the tasks or actions that emerged from the meeting. Specify who's in charge of each task and, if possible, provide an expected completion date or deadline.


Identify any obstacles or challenges that might hinder progress. This could be related to design complexities, engineering challenges, or external factors. Ensure you note down any solutions or workarounds discussed.

Feedback & Suggestions

If there were any comments, suggestions, or questions from the team members, especially around improving the design or engineering process, capture them here. This ensures the project remains collaborative and open to iterative improvements.

Delivery right on time: Launch & Deliverables Calls

This is what we all live for, this is what your clients eagerly await and pay you for: Launch Time!

Overlooking client feedback during launch can lead to post-launch corrections, which might be non-billable.

Detailed notes during launch calls ensure that all client feedback is captured and addressed, maximizing billable deliverables and ensures the project stays on track until the end.

Launch and Deliverables Template


Placeholder: Provide a brief summary of the call's main themes. Highlight the primary reason for this launch session and the central outcomes both parties are aiming to achieve. This should serve as a quick snapshot for the meeting's core points.


Placeholder: Clearly articulate the main goal or purpose of this launch session. What are the overarching aims for the product or campaign launch? This sets the foundation for the entire discussion.


Placeholder: List out the main topics or points that were on the agenda for discussion. This provides a structured overview of the meeting's flow and ensures all key areas of the launch are addressed.

Key Discussions

Placeholder: Dive into the primary points raised during the call. Capture these discussions, including any challenges identified, solutions proposed, and feedback received. This section should encapsulate the essence of the launch preparations.

Key Decisions

Placeholder: Document all pivotal decisions and agreements made during the call. This ensures clarity on the direction the launch is taking and serves as a reference for future interactions.

Action Items

Placeholder: Detail the tasks or actions that emerged from the meeting. Specify who's in charge of each task and, if possible, provide an expected completion date or deadline.

Free Notion Meetings Templates

Ok ok, so you’re not a user of Clearword yet but you’re interested in all those templates and perhaps how they can help you?

We’ve made available a set of free Notion Meetings dashboard for you which you can Duplicate. It contains pre-filled templates for all the aforementioned types of calls, and whilst basic, it should give you an idea.  Go ahead!


Whilst a lot of those templates and calls are similar in nature, they all have some unique aspects to them in the type of information you need to extract in order to make sure projects go smoothly.

We really hope you enjoyed this, and remember, whilst this seems like a lot of work to do diligently (and it is), Clearword can automate all that for you.